Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Calgary: Official part 2

So then after they had finally decided to put the fire pit back at our table Zach, Justine and I decided to go to the YSA activity that night. It was at one of the member's ranches, which was by Priddis.

Boys had put Canada flags on signs which were supposed to be our turns which made it easier to find the ranch. The couple had directions in South, west, etc. directions which I had no idea how I could decipher, thus the flags came in handy when trying to locate this ranch.

When we arrived at the ranch, we were told to put our names down for horse rides and were told about all to do around the ranch. There was a camp fire, there was a pond with a little row boat, there were games that we could do and there was horse riding. Since we had to put our names down and wait for a horseback ride we decided to go down to the little pond and have a boat ride.

It took a while to get used to the little rowboat that was inside of the pond, we pondered (pun intended ha ha) about the strange colour of the water. It was this gross rust like colour, which we had later found our was pond die, to help keep the fish alive (but at the time, we thought it was horses blood). We went around the pond a few times, while Zach tried to fish. He tried to reposition himself so that the line could go behind us, but Justine and I were having trouble having control over the boat, while just going forward instead of going backwards like how Zach wished us to. It took a while for us to dock the boat since we had no little to none experience doing this.

After going on the boat, we went over to find out where we were on the list to go ride the horses (we were number 4...fantastic 4!) Since we were still further down the list, Justine and I decided to go over by the fire, we had a few cookies and lemonade that one of the member's had made (they were very yummy! best lemonade ever!)

We waited just a bit longer until we finally got to ride the horses..I was of course on the shortest horse, because of my disability. His name was shooter, but I called him NayNay or Sha-nay nay. This horse was supposedly the "problem" horse. He did not want to be as obedient as the others, especially with this girl named Megan, when she had risen him before me. He was a very good horse though, and it was so much fun when he would start galloping. I was at the end of the line, since if a horse was behind my horse he would kick. He was a gorgeous horse, and very well mannered (especially since the owner of the ranch's horse started eating while on the trail..which is considered bad etiquette for a horse). The other horses were named Gringo (Justine's horse), Ben..i think (Zach's horse) and Preacher (the owner's horse.) Preacher was the leader of the pack when with the other horses, and it was a nice ride. It felt like we were riding through the sacred grove, with all the trees surrounding us. It was very beautiful at the ranch (but wayyy too many bugs...got eaten alive..glad I got out of there in time I was scared I would lose a pint of blood).

Afterwards, Justine and I attempted to go exploring throughout the woods but when we did, the horses were going on that trail so we decided to go find Zach to ask him if we could go back. We could not find him however, but his friend Mary gave us a ride home.

It was cool driving home with Mary, since she had previously lived in Lethbridge for University, it was great talking to her about all the pains of living in Lethbridge, we really bonded over this and was very fun.

All in all, it was a great first YSA activity for me since I am still scared to go to YSA in Lethbridge, but it was great altogether doing all this fun stuff with my cousin's and finding new people in YSA in Calgary..in case I choose to live there..I still don't know where life will take me..but oh well!

p.s. Later on that night Aunt Linda majorly had to run to the store and buy Aloe Vera for all of us burn victims...since being so smart..none of us wore sunscreen. My face got burnt, my mom's face got burnt. Justine's arms got burnt, and my Uncle..everything was burnt. We just sat on the steps and helped each other slather on Aloe Vera on our battle wounds from the sun..

Next time...is edmonton...stay tuned..

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