Friday, July 13, 2012

Back at Calgary: Sunday Monday Chill day

I just slept the whole night well into the afternoon of Sunday. I tried to get up but my body fought to sleep more. It was screaming at me to sleep, slowly by the end of Sunday I somewhat began to feel normal.

Sleeping all Monday helped me feel completely normal, and good reason too. Later that night on the Monday Uncle Chris took me to go see the Calgary temple that they are building. It is a gorgeous building, the stain glass that is on the building had wheat and maybe a mountain and then the sky. The transition from the wheat to the sky is gorgeous!

Uncle Chris and Aunt Linda took photos there for awhile, and then after we went to Walmart and got some groceries and then went back to the house. It was nice to look at the temple, especially since soon my cousin Tracey and her husband Jeff are going to be sealed there.

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