Sunday, July 29, 2012

Crafting and groceries

Again I went over to Ethan's house today. I finally was not sick-to-my-stomach-in-hate over my Wall-e game anymore. So I knew it was time to conquer the beast..well not is a kids game after all ha ha. But I only have 4 more levels left until I am finished the whole game! Woot woot! 

Later on, of course I got tired of my game and Ethan had some work to do for his IB class, as well as some projects that he wanted to finish. So we just went into his garage. I was pretty bored just watching him work on his projects, then I started to play with some of the Arizona Green Tea shavings that were left around from his project of making a lamp with them (it is pretty impressive if I may say myself). 

I call this the real "Steel Magnolia" 

I made a bow ring from the shavings, and a hair bow. I have to say that out of the two hair accessories the ring wins my heart overall. 

After we went for some groceries and then played Wall-e some more and chilled out like a G. 

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