Friday, July 27, 2012

For the love of Art, drama and video games!

Today I finally decided to get back into my Wall-e game after what seemed like the longest level in the history of nerdy mankind! Anyways I did not get too far in my game today, I finally got onto the level that had taken me 5 months to get onto when I previously played the game. This time around it only took me about 3 days...pretty impressive i know..

When I got fed up with the game I decided to go with Ethan downtown because we had plans to go to this Art Market and Shakespeare in the park, which was downtown. He needed ideas for an RWB (Art thing) and I needed good things to write about for my blog. Wouldn't want it to be boring would I?

So we dropped off some resumes at the same time. I applied at Canadian tire and Taco time. I know I hate the smell of Canadian tire but I like the smell of having money in the bank more! So I will have to adjust. As well as, on the way I tried my first asian candy. It was kind of like a starburst but the texture was more spongey. All in all..I can not say I did not like it, and it was japanese.

We continued to walk more dowtown and we went to the Art Market. For some reason it seemed a lot smaller than I would have thought it is..but I was thinking of the Art Market that was at the Stampede which was HUGE beyond all recognition. But it had some interesting stuff there, like different kinds of artist's from the Lethbridge area. There was also some dancers, some scottish ones and some belly dancers. I really liked the scottish ones, their dancing was epic and intense.

And even after that we went to Shakespeare in the par and the play was A midsummer's night dream and I loved that they made it somewhat modern so that it had some humour in it. But the actors were so good! It was just very enjoyable they did a very great job. Very Very entertaining. After was BOston Pizza..need I say more? YUM YUM
"The wall"

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