Friday, July 20, 2012

Ardene's, storms and forks oh my!

So today I hung out with my friend Ethan today. We went to Walmart because I needed to get some groceries, and man some Walmart people are cray cray (crazy)! There were these people complaining about their jobs and how terrible it was..and I was thinking at least you have a job instead of no job at all like me!

After that we went into Ardene's and I bought these surprise bags. One bag was a dupe but the other bag was full of treasures. The bag had some earrings that looked like they were from mexico and a headband but all in all good stuff! After that Ethan and I walked back to my house and put the groceries away.

Later on, we went back to his house so I could play my Wall-e game. I wanted to buy a PS2 so that I could play the wall-e game but Ethan said that I could just play it at his house instead so that I could save money. On the way back to his house though I was just looking at the gutter and I found a 20 dollar bill. I was thinking was great because I was running low on cash anyways.

But at his house we played the wall-e game and then a cars game. Then we tried to play a shooter game but I was confused at what shooter I was so while I thought I was killing him the whole time he was really shooting me.

After that he showed me this art project that he was working on. It was turning small forks and spoons into rings. It was the coolest looking thing ever. He gave me this fork ring that he was working on and it is the coolest looking things ever! I really think he should sell them on Etsy or something but still awesome!

After that there was a freak storm, and the clouds were rolling so fast it was crazy!

Braiding Ethan's hair 

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