Sunday, July 8, 2012

Edmonton day 2: family time :D

After all of the shopping that I did, we went to go meet up with my cousins: Sarah, Hannah, and Tristian since my cousin Sarah had the day off, and it was great that we could all see them all at once.

Once we had all met up, my mom decided to take them out for lunch, which was at Tony Romas. This restaurant is one of my mom's favourite places to have lunch or supper, they have the best ribs that just peel right off the bone..!
,Right after that, we really had no idea what we wanted to do. So we all went to Galaxyland again. This time Galaxyland was better because I had cousins that wanted to do more rides than mom had wanted to do (especially Tristian)

Since before going to Edmonton, I had made a bet with a friend to go on the mind bender (which someone had died on before) to go on it. I was really freaked out the previous day about going on the roller coaster, especially, since when you look at the roller coaster you see how high it goes.

My little cousin Tristian and I went on the baby roller coaster or the auto sled a few times to try to pump me up for the big scary roller coaster. Then we went on the space orbiter with my other cousin Sarah as well. I did not like going on the space orbiter this time, especially since my little cousin Tristian was taunting us by saying that we were tipping or that it would fling off the track etc. We were yelling at him the whole time just to shut up, because it got us more nervous to go on it. As well as, this time when I went on it, it seemed to go spinnier and faster than before. We went on it again, but this time going with Sarah, Hannah and Tristian. It was the spiniest out of all the times that I went on it. It really felt like the roller coaster car was going to fling off the track, and we would plummet to our deaths.

After going on the Space orbiter a few times, I thought I had enough courage to go onto the Mind Bender (death roller coaster). But after awhile, I began to lose momentum. We continued to walk around the amusement arena. We continued to do more rides such as the Space Shot (helluva scary), and the bumper cars. It wasn't until my cousin Sarah had gone on the Space shot that I decided I really should do it. She had never gone on the Space Shot before, and we really wanted her to go on it. Luckily I got a video of her going on the Space Shot, but since she had gone on it I thought I had better go on the Mind Bender since she had tried something new.
Eventually, I came to my senses and decided to go on the Mind Bender, Sarah and I handed off our glasses over to my mom since we knew they would go flying off our faces on the roller coaster. Hannah my cousin had told me that the hardest part of going on the roller coaster was going up, since it was 14 stories high..eek. But going up wasn't that bad at all. The whole roller coaster was not bad, I still thought that going on the Space Shot was worse, since it not only shot down but up as well. It gave me such a bad migraine going on that ride!

Later, after we were finished at the amusement arena we went to go see the sea lion show. It was a lot of fun to watch, and strangely the sea lions remind me very much of dogs. They do the same tricks as dogs, and behave the same way just to get a treat. I thought it was very interesting.

A while later, we went back to their house where we met their two dogs. One dog was named Booger and she was a bassad hound. She was the laziest dog ever, but she had the cutest sad eyes. The other dog's name was Brandy and was a cross between a Corky and a wiener dog. Brandy just wanted to be loved all the time, she would jump on you and be like love me love me love me. She loved to be petted, kind of like how Minnie does. Anyways, they were just both adorable dogs. Hannah and mom talked about pets for quite awhile, before we met up with Brock. 

When we met up with Brock, we went to the Keg for supper that night. Mom and I have never been to the Keg before since in Lethbridge it is the "fancy" place to go for dinner. You had to look all nice to go there and it was super expensive. Sarah, Mom and I had gotten there before Brock, Hannah and Tristian, so we just waited for them and got some water. Sarah and I had a hard time trying to figure out our waiter's name, it was something like Fabrito or something, we couldn't determine his name until Brock, Hannah and Tristian came later. The waiter's name was really Bernito, and not some weird name that we had tried to think of. 

Brock first ordered for there to be some escargot and some lobster thingy's to start with. I did not really like the Lobster thing, but man the escargot was really good! It had this kind of dijon mustard sauce on it that tasted soooo good! It did not taste like rubber like how people would normally describe it so it was a pleasant surprise for how good it was. After the appetizers, I ordered a Pecan sirloin steak, that was medium rare. It came with the pecans and some goat cheese on top, as well as a twice baked potato, and some asparagus. This was it good! It was the best thing ever, they did not give you much but it was just enough and well worth the price. 

It was good to sit down for dinner with the family that was more up north. It was good to catch up with them and to laugh. Sarah and I being together was just like old times, where we would just start to giggle about everything. Tristian though, whenever we said something funny he would normally add to it, and then it wouldn't be too funny anymore, which I found to be funny. Sarah and I thought that the guys across from us were gay because they looked too well kept. but later it got creepy when they wanted to do a toast with us, when they thought that we had wine in our glasses when we just had water. But that was fine. 

After dining at the Keg, we went to go see a movie. The movie that we saw was Ted. I was worried that mom would think that it would be a bit too racey, but apparently she loved it so it was good. After, Sarah and I said that Tristian probably shouldn't have seen that movie since it was pretty racey. But the movie was funny at times. 

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