Monday, July 23, 2012

"The graduate" officially

Today I was just having a chill day, trying to get better from belly aches and such, when my friend texted me and asked me if I got my diploma marks back. I had totally forgotten about diploma marks so I checked my mail and there it was. The holy grail Alberta Education envelope.

Opening the envelope was kind of hard to do because I really had no expectations for this exam. I did not think I did good but I did not think I did bad either. So I opened it slowly...and I passed! 

So looks like the hell of high school is over, and I will receive my diploma in the mail! I am so relieved and happy! I did it! I graduated! woot woot! (not to mention I am really happy with my mark as well)

Later I made some yummy Shepherd's pie to celebrate! it was made full of deliciousness! What better to celebrate the occasion with right? 

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