Sunday, July 22, 2012

Playground hopping..better than bar hopping

So today I just chilled. I went over to my friend's house to play my Wall-e game that I did so good on today. What took me 4 months 4 years ago only took me 2 days...pretty impressive I know.

But anyways after that we playground hopped around the area.
a. going to an assortment of playgrounds around the area and seeing which one is the best

We went to 3 different playgrounds. One that was right by the Boys and Girls Club, one by Ethan's house and one by my house.

My house won for the tallest swings and for the best (and scariest) teeter totters.

But being back onto a teeter totter is scary..I have no idea how I didn't think it was scary as a child, you go up so high on them and you could fall off of them but oh well haha

Safe teeter tottering to you all!

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