Monday, July 16, 2012

Recuperation and back to old ways in Lethbridge

The last few days I have just been taking it easy and doing some good old R&R (rest and relaxation) after my holiday.

The first official event after coming home was hanging out with Ethan, I had a dentist appointment before. My first teeth cleaning in a was so refreshing. It took awhile for the cleaning to happen, and after I got fluoride. Fluoride had changed over the years, they used to have the icky kinds like bubble gum and grape, but now its all fancy. The kind that I asked for was Banana split, and it really tasted like one, not some artificial crap that you would always taste with fluoride.

Its weird because, whenever I went to the dentist with my braces I got really used to it. So going to the dentist is almost therapeutic for me. I find it really relaxing to sit in the chair and kind of doze off while they are doing things to your teeth. Although some of my teeth were very sensitive, especially the top teeth! Holy Hannah! did it hurt, the dental hygienist tried to floss my upper teeth and since it had this retainer thing at the back it hurt so bad!

After, I met up with my friend Ethan even though I was half an hour late..I felt so bad. The great thing about him is that if I ask him to hang out he's always down. Maybe because he is a hermit and craves human interaction, or that he's just bored. But its always great to hang out with him, especially because he doesn't complain about anything I want to do.

We initially had plans to go to the Galt, since he needed an idea for an RWB (research workbook assignment for art..its just an art thing) and I had a pass to go so we could get in for free. I just basically showed him around the museum, we really did not stay for long but that was ok. We walked down the coulees, and across the west side bridge which was fun.

After we decided to go to the mall since it was still open. We went into Toys R us because I had not been in there since I was younger and I thought why not. It was so much fun! We saw all these cool things in there, they had a helmet with bunny ears on it that I wish was in my size! Also we walked around and we saw hello kitty things that I wanted this rolling case that was only $25, which was not bad. Also we saw Operation..but Star wars Edition...which makes it so much cooler right? We went into the bargain section of the store as well and there was this baby alive doll and it was so funny when it would bounce up and down it sounded just like a jackhammer..ha ha we called it jack hammer baby. But man those dolls are creepy as anything! I don't think I will let my children get one!

Then after that, we went to stitches and I bought this Leopard print jacket that looked really nice, and then I went to Jysk and I bought a duvet cover set for only $ that a deal or what? After that we went to Davids Tea and tried out some tea. The people that worked there was AWESOME! They definitely answered all of my questions that I had about the tea..but unfortunately, I will not spend $13 dollars on tea..its got to be some pretty good darn tea!. Later on we went to Old Navy while having the goal of finding a skirt or dress but sadly failed. We then went to Michael's because Ethan had to find this ring thingy to make rings on for every size, and it was pretty cool.

Lastly, we went to Chapter and I tried this refresher thing. It was really good, it tasted like this mojito tea that I and lime mmm.

Later on, I bought more EOS because mine was running out. I bought honeydew and Sweet mint. Both were really good and we went to the Petstore, there were birds with the most terrifying shrieking squeak I have ever heard. It was terrible on my ears! Then Ethan just walked me home.

All in is really good to be home and to enjoy the slower pace of Lethbridge compared to Calgary! It was great just having a chill day with my friend!

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