Saturday, July 14, 2012

Back home: things to do in Lethbridge

So pretty much since I came home, I just tried to clean up my room and sleep lots. Going away for 2 weeks can be quite strenuous on the body! Then after that I only got some groceries and watched some seagulls for awhile (I know things to do in Lethbridge haha)

While today, there was this lady that my mom was helping to move and she gave us food, dishes and some other stuff that she could not take along with her. It was great! I love getting free stuff! It just makes me so happy! But that was pretty much the only exciting thing that has happened from coming home. I tried to make plans with friends but failed to commit because I wouldn't sleep good at night but I am almost all rested up!

Hopefully my week next week will be more exciting especially since I have a dentist appointment!

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