Friday, July 13, 2012

Edmonton day 4: Going back to Calgary

Sarah had to work the next day so Hannah took Mom, Tristian and I to Sherwood Park. She had some errands that she had to help Grandma K with. Hannah dropped all of us off at the mall in Sherwood Park. She said that they had nothing there, but in my mind it didn't hurt to have a look. I did not get all the shopping that I would have liked to in Edmonton done, so I still was in the spending mood. Well Hannah was right, there really wasn't anything.

We went to the Safeways to buy some snackies for the bus that we were taking back down to Calgary (i objected though, I didn't want my head to be decapitated). Then we went to go look around the mall. All over the mall I think there were more sports type stores than I have ever seen in my life. They had a Claire's though so I went in there because of their 10 for $10, which is a wicked deal as opposed to their usual one item for the same price. The best deal I think that I got in there...was this cute little robot necklace and their cute little furby like cupcake thing. The necklace was this little girl robot, it was just so dainty to not have. As for the cute little fuzz ball thing, its name was muffin. I got a few other things as well such as other necklaces and earrings. All in all they were really good deals! 
Trying to go incognito with Tristian on Man-with-pipe 
After shopping for awhile, we got really bored since we had to wait for Hannah to come and pick us up. Tristian and I went to the vending machine things, and got a few $1 or $2 toy things. I haven't done these as a kid, and it still is as exciting seeing what you get as it was when you are younger! Then after we died down on the change we decided to spy on this old man. He had an old fashioned pipe that you would smoke out of from the 1900's.  

Finally, Hannah came and drove mom and I to the bus ride. The ride was nothing special other than it feeling like wrinkles were growing on my face since it lasted so long! I could feel the gravity working on the elasticity of my skin it took so long! I wish we could have gone on an express bus like how we went to Edmonton, it lasted about 3 hours, while ours lasted 17 years..just kidding it was only 5 hours but still thats a long time to be sitting down. 

When we got to Calgary Auntie Val was there waiting for us, she had the cutest little hat on, it was a small cowboy hat as a kind of pin that was all decked out. It twas awesome! But while Mom was waiting on her bus to go home, Tracey, Jeff and Auntie Val took us out for lunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory (which I guess is Aunt Val's favourite). The foot there was really good, and the best spaghetti ever. The prices are not bad either, you get your entrees and then dessert comes with the meal. The dessert was this pistachio ice cream...oh my lordie! It was sooo good! I would love to swim and live in that ice cream it was so yummy! After we drove mom back to the bus station and I hugged her goodbye and went to go sleep at Aunt Val's since the next day I had volunteered to flip pancakes with them. It was a nice relaxing evening and a long bus ride to Calgary. 

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