Thursday, July 26, 2012

Time with Miss. Bennett

Today I hung out with another one of my good friends today. Miss Christina Bennett. I really missed her when I was away and I was so glad that we got to hang out today. We went to the mall where I finally got a good curling iron (hopefully the curls will stay in!). Then we went to Ice age 4.

Quick movie review: Ice age 4: continental drift
Great little movie. It was really cute and there were references that children would not understand but for those older, I completely understood them. I really thought that it was better than the third movie, and it had pirates..movies with pirates are never bad.

Like look at how good the Pirates of the Caribbean got. Everyone LOVES pirates. But I would buy that movie because it was so good. I am glad that it was a good movie. Money well paid for..for once instead of the last movies I have been to which have been crappy.

P.S. Sid was awesome as always!

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