Saturday, July 14, 2012

Back at Calgary: Beach fun day

My Aunt Linda and I had packed a lunch for the day. Cheese bun sandwiches, little green frogs and popcorn twists please! Yumm everything we packed was very good, light and refreshing. We took a smaller cooler since it was just us going.
Our picnic for the day
We met up with Janae when we got the the Lake, which is like a residential lake. It was a nice lake that had sandy beaches, you could rent out boats or go fishing there, all in all it was really cool and we had nothing like that in Lethbridge. The lake was refreshing to go into, although the bottom of the lake was not that nice since some teenage boys were running and chasing each other through there. 

Later I offered to help Janae's kids to build a sandcastle, it was fun to do. Some of the boys that were running by the lake shore came by it and Elizabeth yelled at them that it was ours. It was funny to watch, after we ran through the castle and knocked it over. It was fun making a sand castle again and having a small moat that went to the lake. We got so dirty making the sand castle but still so much fun!

We continued to make sand castles, and Elizabeth ate lots of Blueberries. Its funny how she can gulp them down, she must have eaten the whole bowl of them, she really loves them a lot. She would take a whole handful and just stuff them in her mouth, we had to tell her to take them one by one just so that she wouldn't choke ha ha.

After playing in the sun all day, we went back to my Aunt's house for pancakes with strawberries and whip cream. And let me tell about those pancakes, they are the best darn things ever. They have just the right amount of sweetness in them, and are not starchy either.

Later when Janae left with her brood, we tried to catch the fireworks that were on every night for the stampede. We really sped to try and see them but they only lasted for 10 minutes. But from what I saw they were very gorgeous, we waited at a Casino for awhile to see if there were more but there wasn't.

Then the most hilarious thing happened, as we pulled into the parking lot I saw this guy sitting on a car and I looked and thought it was my sister's old friend Neil. It wasn't until he asked us if he could borrow a phone that I knew it was Neil. He had lost his iPhone and needed specifically a smartphone so that he could locate his phone. He eventually called his step-dad then his brother to send him a map to my Aunt Linda's phone to locate his phone. He was so lucky to find his phone, and lucky that I knew him as well, otherwise my Aunt and Uncle wouldn't have been so nice. Then my Aunt and Uncle named off who they could set him up with which I thought was funny.

Later we tried pick up Justine from the her work at the stampede, and I almost witnessed my first fist fight in Calary, people were fighting over a cab and eventually the man that started it was told to back away. It got me really nervous, especially since there was just a surge of people coming from out of the Stampede. Justine had forgotten that she had to meet my Aunt and Uncle in a different spot so we hunted her down and eventually met up with her at a humpty's downtown. The traffic after the stampede was not as bad as I thought it would be, which is always good and we drove back.

When we got back I just started to pack for home because I was going home on the Thursday. I should have been given a metal for how I packed my suitcase and made everything fit, especially since I came  back with twice as much as I had brought. It was relaxing on the way back especially since the shuttle was not busy, other than me there was just one other person and when I came home I just fell asleep. But man it was good to be home again! 

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