Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Girl time!

So this week I must be miss popular or something! Yesterday I hung out with Ethan and then my friend Allysia messaged me and asked if I would like to hang out at the mall at 2 today, with our other friends Keely and Rikki!

I arrived at the mall first, but luckily I did because I got some food before...I was pretty hungry. I got a booster juice in a snack combo. I got a citrus usual favourite! It had some pineapple, some orange and banana. I like it a lot because it is really sour and I prefer the sour over the sweet!

First my Allysia and Rikki arrived. Allysia had forgotten to take out money so she quickly went to the bank to take out some. While we were waiting on her, Rikki and I just went to go look around. When we came out of Winners we saw Braeden, and Tyler, our fellow ginger brethren. I also got to meet Braeden's brother, which was not ginger.. Then Allysia came back with us and she got a booster juice.

Keely came shortly after and she had the cutest dress on! It had two different patterns to it but it looked awesome. We then went to stores, we first went into Bench and Allysia bought a jacket that looked like it would be a jean jacket but it wasn't. It looked really nice on her.

We then went to Bluenotes where we tried on some dresses, then after we went to Claire's and I bought  a hat that was only $ was a great deal and a little wristlet for when I go out and do not want to carry around a huge purse (which is always nice).

We then realized that we were going to be late for our movie which started at 4. We went to go see Magic Mike..and I have to say. Two things...
1. That movie should not have been rated 14A
2. That movie just SUCKED! It was depressing...who wants to go to a depressing movie??!!?

But oh well...I just will not go to a movie for a long time, save my money..or lack there of now.. ha ha

Anyways, ta ta for now!


  1. Just thought I'd say hello and thanks for visiting us in Calgary. We had a great time but need to do it again when Chris and Justine can join us. It sounds like you've been busy since you got back. Loved the pic with the bunny ear helmet! Ah to be young again. Lots of love to you and your mom.
